Would it be possible to implement within Cobian Reflector the old Cobian Backup Remote Manager?
The Remote Client option is similar but more complicated to administer if you have multiple remote clients to control. In this case, instead of opening ports on each router, it is preferable to open it on one that acts as a server and to which the clients connect, as was the case with Cobian Backup.
Would it be possible to implement within Cobian Reflector the old Cobian Backup Remote Manager?
The Remote Client option is similar but more complicated to administer if you have multiple remote clients to control. In this case, instead of opening ports on each router, it is preferable to open it on one that acts as a server and to which the clients connect, as was the case with Cobian Backup.
Statistics: Posted by tecnicsinf — 26 May 2023, 16:22 — Replies 1 — Views 6