Cobian Reflector • "Full copy to keep" not working when error is found
Hi,in Reflector V 0.9.96 RC1 I've created a simple task with "full copy to keep" set to 3 and it worked flawlessly until I was testing the mail log functionality. My task is set to copy folder "DOC"...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • Sftp error
I can sftp to my desired destination with filezilla just fine, however when entering the same credentials in reflector I get errors:Log:Logged in into the remote server.Connected to the remote...
View ArticleCobian Backup 11 (Gravity) • Creation of multiple unwanted copies on target...
I am using Cobian 11 Gravity ver I try to copy the entire C: drive on the backup device, in my case a Qnap nas via ftp, I find the contents of the C: on the nas inside a directory like...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • (58) Le serveur spécifié ne peut pas exécuter l’opération...
Bonjour,Je viens de passer sous Windows 11 donc réinstallation complète du PC obligatoire.J'ai réinstallé la dernière version de Reflector, rechargé mes listes de sauvegarde...Tout fonctionne quand la...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • sending mail after the -autoclose command line
Hello,I use Cobian Reflector when shutting down my computer.I use a simple batch script that I added in the gpedit --> users --> windows --> logoffhere is the content of the script:Code:...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • Cool coment in the LOGfile
HelloCool coment in the Logfile But it would be cooler to finish the Russian suport!!Statistics: Posted by hauzinger — 06 Mar 2022, 14:55 — Replies 1 — Views 25
View ArticleCobian Reflector • History of changes
> F*ck Putin (again).>Dear Cobian, may be You'll try to f*uck him in real, insted of bla-bla-bla in history of changes?And, also, I wonder - how such a dirty words help You to live?Mutual...
View ArticleCobian Backup 11 (Gravity) • Command Line Log
I am running a command line after backup and I would like to know how can I append command line log into main log file.Is it possible ?Thanks,Statistics: Posted by chrispaiva — 08 Mar 2022, 00:49 —...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • DESCONEXIÓN DE PERIFERICOS
Buenos días.He observado que a las horas de recibir un nuevo aviso de nueva descarga de Cobian Reflector, se desconectan los periféricos (MONITOR, TECLADO Y RATÓN) y tengo que volver a reiniciar el...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • Error "La cadena de entrada no tiene el formato...
Me aparece este error en algunos ficheros (cada vez en unos distintos) al realizar copias sobre un ftp remotoCobian reflector: 0.9.98 RC1Filezilla server: 1.3.0A qué se puede deber este error?Si copio...
View ArticleCobian Backup 11 (Gravity) • Repeatedly backing up files which have not changed
I've been using Cobain Backup for a few years to occasionally backup my working files to an external drive. These backups have generally run at night, but as I'm doing it more frequently now, I'd like...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • Création fichiers en double triple
BonjourJ'ai programmé Cobian reflector pour avoir une sauvegarde incrémentielle.MAIS chaque fois qu'il met à jour le disque de sauvegarde avec un fichier nouveau ou modifié, il créé en même temps un...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • new update signaled as an error
Hi !There's a lot a new updates, and each time they are notified like an error (red disk icon blinking red)Could be possible not to do that ? Every time I believe an error occured ...Another thing...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • Getting started
I've just downloaded Cobian Reflector 0.9 as advised, to replace Cobian 11 Gravity which is being discontinued. I've copied it to my C drive but it seems the only action I can take is to uninstall it!...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • Cobian Reflector has stopped working...
Found an error box with the message"Cobian Reflector has stopped working"apparently the program crashed overnight.Problem details:----------------------------------Problem signature: Problem Event...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • Folder/Files with ä/ö/ü and Task Size not showing
Good morning from Vienna,I got two problems, which I can't seem to solve by myself.1. ä/ö/üI got a couple of folders and files, which contain those German special characters.The problem occures when I...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • 7Z compatibility
Could you please add the option for compatibility with '7z'. Cobian gravity if it had this compatibility, thanks. 7z is a better compressor and provides much smaller file sizes.Statistics: Posted by...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • 7zip un solo archivo
Buenos días, cuando se hace la compresión 7Zip se hace por cada archivo, si tengo 100 archivos se hacen 100 archivos 7Zip.Cual es la opción para hacer un solo 7Zip de 100 archivos?GraciasStatistics:...
View ArticleCobian Backup 11 (Gravity) • Delete old backup folders
Hi everyone, I use cobian backup 11 gravity, and every month I have a problem, I always have to delete backup folders.At the moment I only keep the last backup of each month, is there any way to...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • Este host não é conhecido.
Hoje vou escrever em Português, ok?Estou tendo um erro em algumas tarefas no envio do arquivo de log.Erro:2022-03-10 18:42:34 Mailing the log files... 2022-03-10 18:42:34 [DEBUG] Creating a temporary...
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