Cobian Reflector • Quel est cette erreur
Bonjour à tous,J'ai deux souci dans Cobian Reflector Le premier souci est que la plupart de mes sauvegardes complètes ne s'ouvre pas donc très inquiétant Voir pièce jointe et le deuxième souci le...
View ArticleCobian Backup 11 (Gravity) • Ignorando tarefas e não faz backup.
Preciso de ajuda urgentemente. Desde o dia primeiro o Cobian não está fazendo backup, no começo dizia que já havia as tarefas na lista e que estava ignorando. Então, a conselho de alguns eu limpei a...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • Always use task name
HellowCobian Backup 11 (Gravity) had the setting "Name Archive as Job"In ini file "Always use task name" - if I am right Is there such a setting in Cobian Reflector ?Or how can this be done...
View ArticleCobian Backup 11 (Gravity) • corrupt unzip
hi,I recently used the backup compression option (oracle db) and when trying to unzip it with winrar or 7zip it says that the file is corrupted.would you know the reason or do I always need to use the...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • Save List Error
Hello,I've had a problem for a while (I think it started sometime during the beta phase of Reflector v2) in that I get an error message when I attempt save my list of backup tasks to my preferred...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • Configuración de correo Cobian Relector
Buenos diasTengo problemas a la hora de configurar el correo están todos los parámetros bien me da errorProbando la configuración de correo...Conectando al servidor de smtp...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • el usuario que ejecuta el respaldo no tiene permiso de...
Buenas tardes Tengo un problema con Cobian Reflector. No tengo acceso para el directorio de espejo seguro y no sé cómo puedo solucionarlo.Además, ahora no se hacen las copias automáticamente.Por...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • CPU Priority when compressing files
Hello,With Reflector, is there a way to make the CPU have below normal CPU priority?My machine does other things also and I want the backup to happen, just not at normal CPU priority.I have ticked...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • "Do not separated timestamps from the file name"...
Hi! I'm trying to achieve the desired archive name. For example, "mytaskname_mytimestamp". Timestamp I edited in settings. But when I check the "Do not separated timestamps from the file name" box,...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • Installing the Cobian Reflector program does not work
Hello, the Cobian Reflector program is not installed on Windows 10 LTSC 2021 and/ or Server 2022 after updates from Microsoft, the installation works on clean Windows, but what if you need to...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • Cobian Reflector no borra copias antiguas
Buenos días.En Windows 11, Cobian no borra copias antiguas programadas. Por ejemplo, solo quiero que almacene 3 copias. Pero no borra para quedarse en las 3 copias. Tengo que estar borrándolas a mano....
View ArticleCobian Reflector • %FORMATDATETIME="dd" not working
Hello,%FORMATDATETIME="dd" not working in Source or Destination path.I use this parameter a lot. I have used this in Cobian Backup 11 (Gravity).Regards,NiteshStatistics: Posted by niteshg — 17 Jul...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • Windows system disk backup and restore
Hi,First of all, thanks much for developing Reflector and making it available for free.Second, this forum's search needs to be improved, as it does not allow searching for words like "windows"...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • archive attribute not cleared
Hello,i have found out that the archive attribute is not cleared after a successful back and the task is configured to clear it.i am running reflector under a user with write permissions to the source...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • when uploading via ftp it indicates Input string was not...
Hi, I'm using Reflector 2.4 and proftpd 1.3.6 (within OpenMediaVault)When I transfer 23G files they get truncated or don't upload.The task I attached has to upload 3 files, and only partially uploads...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • Incorrect full backup size
Hello everyone,I have a big problem. The size of my full backups does not correspond to the actual size of my directory. For example, my folder contains :100,540 Files & 19177 Folders It saves...
View ArticleCobian Backup 11 (Gravity) • Completa y diferencial
Hola.He echo una copia completa de un directorio. Como estoy en una empresa, necesito que se hagan copias diferenciales de la copia completa. Hay alguna forma de llevar este objetivo a...
View ArticleCobian Backup 11 (Gravity) • Completa y seguidamente, diferencial
Si quiero que se haga una copia diferencial de un completa, eso se puede configurar en una misma tarea?Que pasa si borro la copia completa con la que otras tareas trabajan haciendo diferenciales de...
View ArticleCobian Reflector • Filter Greater than yesterday
I run my backups just after midnight. I want to backup files from yesterday to the time i run the backup.When using reflector the include only these files, i select newer than yesterday but it does...
View ArticleCobian Backup 11 (Gravity) • Copia de seguridad incremental
Quiero realizar una copia de seguridad incremental y hasta ahí todo bien, pero cuando hace la copia de seguridad en el destino me mete la copia en una carpeta llamada HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy3.Yo lo...
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